Shuffling around big chunks of code and rewiring plugins could cause some unforeseen issues if we're not careful-but so far that doesn't seem to be happening. We actually consider this to be a moderate success, given the risks inherent to the work we're doing. Below you can see a chart showing how that metric has been tracking over time:Īs you can see, bootstrap times have mostly been holding steady over the past couple of months. One of the ways we've been measuring the impact of our work is by tracking the amount of time it takes for the client to boot up. Leaner code equals better performance and also results in a client that's easier for devs to maintain. If you're reading the chart above, you're probably thinking okay, but how exactly does this impact the client's performance? The answer to that is complicated, but at high level: fewer plugins and Ember apps means more efficient client code. The chart below shows the total count of plugins and ember apps over time. We've continued to make progress toward this goal.
Ember apps help drive the client's user interface. Plugins-for those who don't know-are tools that allow us to break the client's code up into useful chunks. As we said in our first client blog, we believe that the best way to solve some of the client's performance issues is by consolidating and reducing the number of plugins and ember apps in the client.